Monday 27 April 2009

Wixing lyrical...

.... If you know something of value – SHARE IT!

This is something I strongly believe in.

On several occasions I have, and it has dramatically changed someone’s life, so now I never hold back, no matter what. Would you, if you knew you could have that impact?

Here is something else that is definitely worth sharing and it may just change your life too -

WIX, a flash web design programme.

Now that may seem like a tall order for web design software,
However, Wix has allowed me to launch a new business, start to raise funds for a good cause, it’s also a heap of fun working on it and it has not cost me a single bean!

Now I call that pretty life changing for a start and I also think of the possibility – What are the ripples in the pond? How many other people’s lives could we impact, through the fundraising.

How many other fundraising ideas could you or I create using Wix?

In a past life I was a consultant in the charity sector and as I continue to research in this market, I really don’t think that we have even begun to recognise the power of the internet for fundraising. But maybe that time is coming close?

My only challenge so far with Wix is the sleep I am loosing as I find it so exciting as I consider possibility...

Re - invention

For many of us, we are looking for a new way forward. There is a need to re-invent ourselves, because the skills we have learnt and trusted to support us and our families may well now be redundant for good. I have recently had to re-think my business due to the recession and also because I wanted to develop a lifestyle that allowed me to travel.

I have done a lot of research, piloted some programmes and have tried in vain to get my head around html, Adobe illustrator and Dreamweaver. I have then looked on in wonder as webmasters have brought my ideas to life in front of me, with me thinking -

“Wish I could do that” especially as I then had to pay them several thousand euro’s for their work.

But that is the past and old thinking. I have now found a system that I can understand and use AND thank goodness is FREE as right now I don’t have several thousand euro’s to pay a designer. A lot of people are in a similar position right now, maybe this could be a tool for change for others as well.

It’s time to stop wondering and start doing with Wix.

Everything is drag and drop, simple to understand and even I can create a unique and stylish website. Despite Wix being in flash it is search engine friendly, you can fully monetise your site, upload to your blog, myspace and a host of other applications. It really is quite sexy. Over the holidays I created my own ecards to send out to friends and family and I am delighted with the mini site that I have created for this blog. I also embedded the same site for an email campaign and as a result have had feedback from the UK, USA, Brasil, South Africa and Italy. Not a bad start in just a few days. For musicians and photographers they have some great widgets for displaying and promoting your work.

It’s never been so easy to 'wix lyrical!'